We want to inform you that we added a new page on our website explaining more about the Performance Royalties DSPs report to The MLC and how those can impact the mechanical royalties they owe.
Last month, we wrote you to provide you with a high-level aggregate summary of the Phono 3 royalty adjustments. Included in that summary was a breakdown of the adjustments to mechanical and performance royalties that have been reported to The MLC as of February 23, 2024. We want to inform you that we added a new page on our website explaining more about the Performance Royalties DSPs report to The MLC and how those can impact the mechanical royalties they owe. You can find this new page here.
We have also added links to this new Performance Royalties page on the recently published Adjustments to Phono 3 Royalties page. You can find that revised page here.
Please continue to check our monthly Member newsletters for more information and contact our Support Team if you have any questions.